Tangential Vision - "Excelsior!" icon
Tangential Vision's updated and "fixed" cover to the Inlander's Valentine's Day magazine

For Valentine’s Day this year the “Inlander” magazine, Spokane WA’s local Marxist messaging rag, ran a cover intended to draw criticism.

The commonly-understood cultural reason for participating in Valentine’s Day is to lavish praise and love on another person.

This cover is in keeping with the endlessly tiresome Marxist goal of creating Satanic inversions on every platform possible. To that end the Inlander has created a cover which celebrates “self” instead.


Why do anything special for anyone else when YOU are the center of the universe? Celebrate self-centeredness!

Here’s a little breakdown of the original cover:

  • completely empty box of chocolate… not a gift, but rather, a suggestion to indulge in gluttony
  • hairy legs and tattoos… clearly exaggerated male features paired with skimpy lingerie
  • green hair is an outward symbol of Satanic inversion… living people have warm tones
  • pierced lunkhead… lost in his own self-centered headspace (perfect analogy for Leftists)
  • large knobby knuckles, huge manly nose
  • is he sitting on a coffin??? (I’m not entirely sure that was the intention of the artist)
  • opened condom wrapper next to wrecked rose

So I went ahead and did the Inlander a favor, and I redesigned their cover for a more mature modern audience! Those young women in the culture looking for a more stable, healthy lifestyle. Get on board, folks, we’re pushing the Overton Window back into a more traditional, sensible headspace.

My version of the cover focuses on a beautiful real woman in a flattering evening gown. This perfect “10” is a humble, demure alpha female out looking for Mr. Right. The mirror has been replaced by a pair of opera glasses to aid in the search. And she knows what she wants, gentlemen!


“Find a Strong Man To Submit To!”


(I submitted this new cover for consideration of the editor of the Inlander in February of last year, but so far have not yet heard back about their desire to publish it!)

The Inlander's Valentine's Day magazine cover as it originally was published
The Inlander's Valentine's Day magazine cover as it originally was published
The Inlander's Valentine's Day magazine cover as it originally was published
The Inlander's Valentine's Day magazine cover as it originally was published
The Inlander's Valentine's Day magazine cover as it originally was published
The Inlander's Valentine's Day magazine cover as it originally was published
The Inlander's Valentine's Day magazine cover as it originally was published