The Real Story of January 6th – Epoch Times

faux courtroom drawings for EpochTV’s The Real Story of January 6th – documentary Happy January 6th from Tangential Vision! Today is a day to celebrate our right to freedom of speech and liberty from tyranny. Let this be a reminder that this freedom was...

Major Illustrations for Mailing Campaigns

Major Illustrations for Mailing Campaigns In the year 2024 Tangential Vision designed, produced, created the address lists, and mailed out about 95,000 mailers total.  These were from both the primary election season and also the general election season as well. ...

Sig Stevens + Precinct Committeeman inversion

Sig Stevens + Precinct Committeeman inversion Sig Stevens learns about the local Precinct Committeeman position and how Marxists are trying to infiltrate the GOP. This was first published in People’s Pen April 2024 issue: READ MY BLOG...

Sig Stevens goes to the library

Sig Stevens goes to the library In this second Sig Stevens comic strip, Sig goes to the library. This time around, I wanted to give the reader a more proactive conclusion to the story than in the introductory comic. This was first published in People’s Pen...

Sig Stevens comic strip

“Sig Stevens” – Newspaper Strip This is the first appearance of my new comic strip character: Sig Stevens! I’ve created innumerable comic characters in the past for comic books, but this is the first serious character I made for a strip-style...

Woke Danger “Fold-In” Comic

MAD Magazine -styled “Fold-In” This is the full-page comic for the November 2023 People’s Pen magazine.-Ins. The editor of People’s Pen requested a comic illustration in the style of the classic 1960’s MAD Magazine “Fold-Ins.”...