Fixing “Trans” Marxist Messaging for Inlander

For Valentine’s Day this year the “Inlander” magazine, Spokane WA’s local Marxist messaging rag, ran a cover intended to draw criticism. The commonly-understood cultural reason for participating in Valentine’s Day is to lavish praise and...

Dissecting a Leftist messaging postcard

This was a postcard I received in the mail a few months ago. I have been wanting to review it for some time. This is a great example of Leftist virtue messaging. Let’s take a moment and look at the design factors which went into the imagery. Does this imagery check...

Two new Tangential Vision booklets available!

Proudly announcing the release of two THREE new Tangential Vision booklets! Available in print right now. Game of Hoods is a refreshing dive into what reality could be. A fairy tale for all ages examining current day problems in a fantasy setting. A succinct and...

“Love Lives Here” messaging yard sign

Leftists and Marxists trying to subvert the social narrative in the State of Idaho have a yard sign you can see in many places. It is a well-funded operation called “Love Lives Here CdA” which fundraises for Leftist messaging, or simply anti-Conservative...

Red Pill Festival

I am excited to announce that I will be making my public debut as Tangential Vision Ltd. at July’s Red Pill Festival in Montana. This will be a major conservative-oriented festival celebrating the awakening from mass media saturation. This event will be held...